Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sue has a Level 1 nutritional age

Intellectually, I know what I need to do. But in practice, I'm a Level 1. I'm not yet adhering to the 10 Habits. What I really love about the PN program, and what's so different about it compared to what I've done previously, is that (especially) as a Level 1, I don't yet concern myself with measuring, weighing, or counting calories, carbs, proteins, fats. I don't have to worry about nutrient timing, macros, or any other details. All I have to do at this point is follow the 10 Habits the majority of the time, making sure I eat every 2-3 hours, and eat clean, whole foods at each meal. Just getting the habits going a little at a time.

Today is Thanksgiving. I'm focusing on getting meals in every 3 hours or so, and making sure I have a protein and a veggie with each meal. Maybe by the time dinner is ready, I won't be so overwhelmingly hungry that I'll stuff myself to the point of being uncomfortable. I'll indulge by having a glass or two of wine, and will allow myself a serving of stuffing and turkey gravy. After that meal, though, it's right back to the program.

Tomorrow will be measuring day--skin fold measurements, girth measurements, and a starting weigh-in. I'll take my first set of photos to post on the PN LE forum. Since I got into the habit of taking weekly photos over the summer when I was working with an online personal trainer, it won't be such a horrific experience for me to see pix of myself in a sports bra and fitness shorts. I found "before" photos that I took of myself the end of the summer 2007, when I started South Beach and was close to 200 pounds. I also found a photo of myself in a swimsuit, taken around the same time. Holy crap!!! What a difference 25 pounds makes on a 5'3" frame! Just imagine what I'll look like if I drop another 20-25!

To my guest readers in the U.S., Happy Thanksgiving!!

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